Your office is so much more than a building. It’s an extension of your brand, which is why it’s important for it to look its best. If you’re thinking about renovating your office or making some updates, one option you should consider is decorative window film. Perfect for Colorado offices large and small, decorative film offers an elegant, modern way to transform interior spaces. Below, we’ve listed a few ways you can use decorative glass films and window clings in your office.

Modern, Beautiful Ways to Use Decorative Film in Your Office

Is your office in need of some TLC? Consider giving these ideas a try! Decorative window films are perfect for transforming office entrances, conference rooms, lobbies, and more.

office dry erase film

Dry Erase Film

Turn any wall in your office into a writable surface with dry erase film! These office window films are perfect for conference rooms, private offices, and even staff break rooms.

office striped film colorado

Striped Film for Conference Rooms

Create privacy without disrupting the inclusive, open feeling of your office. Window films like this striped film are perfect for places like co-working offices, shared spaces, and more.

office frosted gradient film

Frosted Window Film

Create an elegant, professional look with frosted film. Frosted window films are super versatile and can be used to update just about any room in an office.

Where Can I Get Decorative Window Film for My Office?

That’s a great question! You have a couple of options. The less popular route is the DIY method. You can buy window film online or in a hardware store and install it yourself. But unless you have some experience working with vinyl or polyester films, we don’t recommend this. It’s extremely difficult to do it right by yourself and avoid ruining or putting bubbles in the film.

The more popular option, and the better one, is to order your decorative film from a window tinting contractor like us. We’ll take all the measurements and even install the film for you! That way, it will look perfect in your office.

Speak to an Expert Today

Call our office today to get a quote on decorative window film for your Colorado office or book an appointment!

Mike is the operations manager for Colorado Commercial Window Tinting, the largest commercial window film company in the state of Colorado. Mike has been working in the tinting for over 15 years and has installed over a combined 250,000 square feet of window film for hotels, restaurants, retail stores, offices, and commercial properties all throughout the Denver, Boulder, Ft Collins, and Colorado Springs metro areas. Mike's extensive product knowledge, construction experience, and project management skills make him an expert in his field. In addition to overseeing all installs, Mike also is in charge of sales and customer relations for the Colorado office. He is certified by 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.